A collection of thoughts on all things flowers, micro-farming & connection
Unlike Autumn when you will most probably find me in the field cutting flowers or feeding them, during these Winter months on a cosy day you’ll find me inside near a sunny window keeping warm. In this space I reflect, contemplate what worked this season just passed...
Autumn Harvest
There is a scent of morning dew just before the sun awakens and the birds start singing. Abundance is all around us at our little micro flower farm. The earth has been kind to us. We reap the rewards of hard work from preparing the soil by adding compost and manure...
How to Use Dried Dahlia Petals
Make your own Dahlia, Sage and Eucalyptus Smudge Stick Once dried bundled placing the flowers in the centre wrapped in eucalyptus leaves creates cleansing energy and fragrance. Dahlia Petals and Bath Salts Flowers hold relaxing and nourishing properties when soaked in...
Dahlia Petal Biscuits
Try these delicious biscuits with a heart warming cup of tea. INGREDIENTS 250 g plain flour100 g caster sugar100 g butter, cut into pieces1 egg1 egg white beaten1 tsp baking powder1 orange zest½ cup Dahlia dry petals PREPARATION Preheat the oven to 180 Celsius. Cover...
HOW TO DRY FLOWER PETALS There are many different ways to dry your flower petals. Here are some earth friendly ways. HANGING UPSIDE DOWN Turn your bunch of flowers upside down and hang them in a cool area without sunlight. Make sure there is enough air circulation in...
Farm Fresh or Supermarket Cheap: What’s really in a bunch of flowers?
Not all flowers are grown the same. Do you really know the differences between farm fresh, and supermarket cheap? Imported flowers aren’t as good as they initially look Did you know many of the flowers and foliage sold in Australia are imported from overseas? And...
Dahlia Growing Tips
WHEN TO PLANT Dahlias are planted in the spring when the ground temperature is approximately 15 degrees or warmer. Generally, when you would plant your veggie garden. Planting times vary depending on your exact climate. For example, cooler climate areas of Australia...
Human Connection in Lockdown
Connection – “the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and received without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship” Brene Brown It has been, and continues to be, a...
Beauty From Your Garden
Every day is an opportunity to learn more and to enjoy the beauty nature has to offer us.
What better place to learn than in your very own garden?
The beauty of a bouquet comes down to what YOU love, the colours, the textures, the fall of a leaf or flower.
Welcome to Collector Cottage!
Hello and welcome to Collector Cottage! I’m Rachel.
For years I wanted to find a place where I could experience High Teas with every attention to detail being cared for combined with the fresh air of country life and fun meaningful connections with like-minded women through flowers.
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